Zurich, Stadelhoferplatz

Address & Contact

Confiserie Sprüngli
Gottfried-Kellerstrasse 5
8001 Zürich

Tel +41 44 251 94 32

Google Maps


Confiserie Sprüngli is one of Europe's most renowned confectioners and a pioneer in the world of Swiss chocolate. Melt-in-the-mouth pralines and truffles keep company with the legendary Luxemburgerli, miniature macaroons loved by all who taste them.

Zurich's Stadelhofen railway station, close to the Opera House and next to Bahnhof Stadelhofen tram stop, is home to our Sprüngli store. It sells traditional Sprüngli treats, such as Luxemburgerli, chocolates, pralines, truffles, tarts and cakes, as well as fresh salads and sandwiches, which in good weather can be enjoyed on the banks of Lake Zurich nearby.

Opening Hours

Monday - Friday07:00 to 18:30
Saturday08:00 to 17:00

Special opening hours

18.04.2025, Good FridayClosed
21.04.2025, Easter MondayClosed
28.04.2025, SechseläutenClosed
01.05.2025, Labour DayClosed
29.05.2025, Ascension DayClosed
09.06.2025, Whit MondayClosed


confiserie spruengli location paradeplatz zuerich

Zurich, Paradeplatz (Headquarters)

Tel +41 44 224 46 46

Opening hours

Mo - Fr07:30 to 18:30
Sa08:30 to 18:30

Sprüngli store, Railway station Stadelhofen, Zurich

Zurich, Railway station Stadelhofen

Tel +41 44 252 57 57

Opening hours

Mo - Fr07:00 to 20:00
Sa08:00 to 19:00
Su10:00 to 18:00

Sprüngli Filiale Bahnhof Enge, Zürich

Zurich, Railway station Enge

Tel +41 44 201 63 84

Opening hours

Mo - Fr07:00 to 19:00
Sa08:00 to 18:00
Su09:00 to 18:00

  • You have any questions?

    You can contact us from Monday - Friday 8.00 to 17.00 at +41 44 224 47 40.

  • Your advantages in the online shop

    • Free postal service within Switzerland from CHF 60.—
    • Easy and secure shopping
    • Shipping costs Switzerland CHF 8.90
    • International shipping
    • Pickup in a store
    • From CHF 75.00 is possible to pay with invoice